Saturday, 2 September 2017

Raw Vegan Recipes FOOD, ENERGY...

and the


   I have been thinking long and hard about this topic, and waited to find the right time to open this discussion with you all. Now, I find, might be the right time, so here it comes:
   It is a long tradition, within all religions, and also among people with no religious belief as such, to say Grace before a meal.
   We prepare the food, put it on the table, sit around, have a quiet moment, put our hands together, and pray/sing/chant a gratitude for being able to eat, and drink, for us to survive.
    That gratitude goes to whoever in the universe helped us, but for people, like us, who care deeply about our planet and our environment, we also thank Nature for every little bit we put into our mouth.
   We do not want to take more, than what we need, and we are concerned about finding the right balance between need and greed.
   September is a month of, hopefully, bountiful harvesting, and we must be skilled and knowledgeable about how to preserve our harvest for the winter. 

   The best ways are
  • store fruit in a cool dry place
  • freeze berries
  • dry herbs and plants
  • dry vegetables
  • dry grains
  • preserve produce via quick cooking (not raw) to make jam, marmalade, juice
   In these ways, we can make sure, we and our family have food for many months. As Global Warming and Climate Change come closer by the day to play havoc on our food supply, I strongly urge you to take up some of these practises!

   In the olden days, we followed the rhythms of Nature; let me take grains as an example. We harvested in August/September, dried the grains, stored them, milled them when we wanted to make bread; by March/April we took the last grains for sowing and in that way the cycle started all over again. If possible, I encourage you to purchase a non-electric grain mill to be able to produce your own flour, when needed.

   The supply chain of food, which for us vegan, does not include any form of animal protein, is by far the compassionate diet; it saves resources: there is no such thing as a meat-eating environmentalist; it is also the healthiest for us to eat and digest.

   Saving us from the antibiotics, pesticides and the adrenalines from the raising and slaughtering of living, sentient beings take us a long way to protect us from negative energy in our food. 

   Not to mention the very heavy negative karma, which derives from having just the smallest part of contributing to murdering another living, sentient being; for every life we take, and participate in taking, we ourselves shall be held accountable. Every. Single. One!

   Yes, my dear vegan friends: food has energy. Whatever food it is, there is energy in food, and not just the physical compounds, being digested by our physical organs.

   There is mental energy as well. Everything that happens to our food, from the seed being planted, the exposure to the elements, the growing, harvesting, transport, packing, selling...the whole chain until we grab a bunch of radishes, pay for them, take them home, prepare and eat them: every single step of the way, energy goes into the food.

   Unless we grow our own food, which is the best way of living by all measures, there is no way for us to know, what happened to our food during prior handling.

   This is where the Grace comes in: a lot of us are saying prayers to cleanse the food of any negative energy, which might be in there, before it came to us.

   Talking about need and greed, I wonder, why people go out to eat? 

   I understand the wish to gather the family around a meal, and relieve the Mother of her endless kitchen duties, which is sweet and very considerate and supportive of the husband: we must applaud that; absolutely!

   However, I much prefer, the husband and the rest of the family stay home, have a social get-together and make meals there, while the Mother can go do some fitness, have a nice aromatherapy bath or just sit quietly with a book, drinking her tea.

   When you minimize the number of people handling the food,  you minimize the risk of negative energy into, what you are eating.

   At the same time, you probably spend less money, have a social activity together and can be proud of, what you did.

   If anything should be on the to-do list for vegan families, apart from venturing to rescue and foster all kinds of animals, especially farm animals, it is to learn how to prepare your food at home.

   If you are lucky, you might even have a garden, from where you can pick the fresh produce or a lager, where it has been properly stored for the winter.

   Wish you the best!


Wednesday, 2 August 2017




   Approximately 65 million years ago, the last dinosaurs disappeared from Planet Earth. That is a lot of days and nights; hard to imagine, what life might have been like back then.

   Around 2 million years ago we have evidence of the remains of the first subspecies of the cross over between the great apes and humans. 

   This comes from the scientific work of the Leakey family in and around Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, rather close to where I did some extensive anthropological field work among the olMaa people of Ngorongoro.

   To walk through the savannah and try to imagine life a couple of million yerars ago is doable, especially with the remains of a pre-human skull in your hands; to go even further back to 65 million years ago, seemed impossible.

   I needed something to hold onto. My link to the glory of the dinosaurs was, and is, the modest wild plant EQUISETUM ARVENSE.

   Did you know, ferns and Equisetum Arvense are the only two plants left from when the dinosaurs lived?

   Sit down for a while, while looking at this modest medicinal plant, and imagine large parts of our planet covered with them.

   The green colour is so uplifting; furthermore it does not have leaves, but needles; and it contains the largest amount of Silica in any plant known to us.

   The best time to pick it, cutting carefully at least 10 cm above the ground, to promote re-growth, is during April and May.

   If you have not gotten your winter supply yet, you can still make it.

   Cut, harvest, take home to rinse in water, hang to dry, and put some needles in your winter smoothie to get you going through the darker times.

   If you prepare the smoothie in a dinosaur cup, kids would love it, too!

Monday, 3 July 2017

Raw Vegan Recipes COCOA & NUT SPREAD



   During the afternoon, when the blood sugar level tends to decrease, we have to be careful and be good to ourselves.

   By this I mean: we need to feed our guts some cocoa powder to positively trigger the reward centre of our brain. 

   Just a small amount will do the job and should prevent any overeating late in the day.

   So here it goes:

Step 1:
  • 1 cup of cocoa powder
  • 1 cup of ground nuts
  • 3 tblsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tsps cane sugar
 Mix the ingredients. 

Step 2:
  • Add filtered water 
  • Mix carefully
Step 3:
  • Let it sit in the fridge, covered, for 30 minutes.
  • Take it out, and maybe add some more water if necessary.
Step 4:
  • Keep in a airtight glass jar in a cold, dry place.
  • Will last for 3-5 days.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Raw Vegan Recipes SALAD DRESSING





      Whether you are foraging from the wild, or you bring your own healthy leafy greens out into Nature, a little spicy dressing to go with it does no harm.

   Actually, it might even be a way to sneak in some spices, which can be quite hard to just sprinkle over your raw salad.

   I mean, who wants a bite with Turmeric, Pepper or Hot Red Chilli powders...

   My base for this dressing is some kind of fermentation of unsweetened soy (alternative to yoghurt).

   Here comes my recipe for one middle size portion:

  • 1 dl. of fermented soy*
  • 2 tblsp. of apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp. of turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp. of hot red chilli powder 

   Mix gently with a fork.

   Pour over your salad.

   Enjoy your meal, my dear raw vegan reader; stay healthy and positive and strong!!!


* Tesco has 500 ml for £ 1.25

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Raw Vegan Recipes


   It is the 1st of May, spring is fundamentally running towards summer, and life is absolutely great, though this year mixed with sadness, since my Father passed away...

   As any serious vegan knows, there is no such thing as a meat eating environmentalist! And there is no way to be a vegan and not love Nature!

   Being vegan can be a challenge for some in the beginning of the process, and I am here to offer some tips on making it easier, cheaper, funnier and healthier to be a vegan.

   My contribution this month is my favourite May morning green smoothie. It goes like this:

  • Get out of bed before sunrise and go for a walk to hear the birds singing
  • Pick a few top shoots of stinging nettle on your way (avoid roads and pollution; remember gloves)
  • Go home and fetch your blender
  • Add Almond/Soy drink
  • Add distilled water
  • Stinging Nettles
  • Amla Powder
  • Chia Seeds
  • Ground Flax Seeds
  • One peeled Banana
  • One whole Kiwi fruit



   And send a prayer of gratitude to Mother Earth for providing you with this highly nutritious start of just another wonderful day on Planet Earth.

   If you can not find any fresh Stinging Nettles, soak dried leaves overnight in a small amount of water; that will do just fine!

   But remember the walk; it is just the right way to start your day...

Saturday, 1 April 2017



   Today is the 1st of April, we are well past Spring Equinox, our beautiful blue planet is slowly but gracefully tilting our North Pole towards Equator; some nights might still be quite chilly, but there is definitely growth in the air.

   Now is the perfect time to go foraging in the wild for a super nutritious wild spring salad. 

   Put on your backpack, get the Thermos ready with warm herbal tea, remember some dried fruits and nuts, maybe some fresh fruit, and head for the meadow, forest, farmland or whatever natural environment might be closest to you.

   If you are not skilled in the field, literally speaking, no pun intended, of course, of wild edible plants, bring a field guide, a good book or follow someone, who is an expert in these matters.

   You might even bring your binoculars to be on the look out for rare birds, while you are at it.

   Ah, and now on to the task.

   After many months of darkness and cold, the plants are eager to sprout and grow, and the nutrients are at the top, since they have been months dormant or are just beginning their growth from seeds, having overwintered since last Autumn.

   My favourite wild leafy greens are:
  • Dandelion
  • Wood Sorrel
  • Broadleaved Plantain
  • Purple Nettle
  • Watercress
   Clean the leaves, arrange them in a bowl, and, if you are lucky, top up with the flowers from Forget-me-not.

   Enjoy my friends, eat till you are full, and pick some more on your way home to enjoy your little snippet of Paradise in your own kitchen.

   Love you, guys, and thanks for reading and following!

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Raw Vegan Recipes DANDELION (Taraxacum Officinale)


Taraxacum Officinale


   March is the month of SPRING EQUINOX, which, in 2017, falls on the 20th of March in the northern hemisphere. There is more natural sunlight, though some chilly or frosty nights might still be waiting around the corner.

   After a long, cold and dark winter, you must take very well care of yourself, and one way of doing this is to turn to one of the strongest plants on this beautiful planet, the DANDELION.

   Research has shown, there are strong indications for a lot of good, this little friend might do for you.

   Being a strong plant, it might cause allergies, so be careful and consult your health care provider before using it, and remember: it carries the name "officinale" for a reason: it is a powerful plant!

   Do yourself a favour and order some organic seeds to grow in your garden, in large pots on your balcony, on the terrace or indoors, where there is light coming through the windows.

   DANDELION is especially recommended for "window farming" for those of us, who live in the cities, in suburbia or just do not have access to a large plot of safe land.

   To kick-start the season, you might dig up a few very young plants, with leaves shorter than five centimetres. Why that measure? 

   You will soon find out, because beyond that the plant will start forming its super strong tap root, so good luck with the digging, and remember to buy extra shovels, when the first one breaks!

   It is NOT advisable to dig up plants near traffic or from polluted grounds; only dig up plants from places, you know to be completely free of any pollutants.

   How to use the plant? There are many ways, but the main one is to have access to fresh leaves for your salad every day.

   Pick a few leaves from the outer rim as it allows the root to stay strong and new leaves to form. Rinse the leaves, cut them and sprinkle over your salad. Yummy!

   And remember: DANDELION comes up in the most unlikely of places, is powerfully resistant to pests and diseases, and is one of the strongest wild plants ever.

   When you eat those leaves, you will also become strong.

   You will become part of TEAM DANDELION, which is an awesome group of people, who want to be personally responsible for our health in the most natural way, by eating healthy plants.

   Go for it, guys, and enjoy! Love you all!



Tuesday, 31 January 2017




   As I have promised you, some time ago, I have chosen to centre the monthly posts around events, occurring during the year.

   For this first year, I have chosen to highlight the cultural side of life in countries with predominantly Christian traditions, not because I am on a crusade here, but more to come to realise, there are deeper meanings behind some of the traditions, we often celebrate without knowing, what they actually mean and signify.
   46 days before Easter Sunday we celebrate Ash Wednesday, which starts a period of Lent, where we, as Jesus Christ and his disciples, are supposed to fast, pray and turn towards God and away from worldly matters.

   It is also a time for self-examination on what needs repenting and what areas of the worldly and spiritual life, a person needs to ask God's help with.

   40 of the days are for this fast and contemplation; the 6 Sundays are exempt from that, to a certain extent.

   Food is an important element of this period, as we are only allowed non-sweet food; the main part of the diet is dried fish, mainly produced from cod, laid on cliffs to dry; next they are stuck in barrels with a lot of salt. To eat this, you would have to rinse them in fresh water for days.

   I was forced to eat it as a child; it was horrible, and not vegan at all! My saving grace, and that of the cod, as well!

   Dried fish is still a huge part of the diet during Lent, and the main consumers are, not surprisingly, Roman Catholic countries.

   To kick off this period, we clean our houses, remove all food, give it to charity and celebrate with a huge bash and carnival, SHROVETIDE, Sunday or Monday before Ash Wednesday.

   It is, nowadays, mainly a feast for the children with dressing up and having a lot of treats coming out of a barrel, hung on a string. 

   That part of it I firmly advocate against, as it has a picture of a cat on it, and the kids are taught to bash the cat, which should be absolutely prohibited and unlawful and which I find totally appallingly disgusting and cruel and utterly wrong to even think of teaching kids.

  In German the word for the carnival is "Fastel Abend", meaning the evening before the fast begins.

   There are many different food traditions for this event, and they differ heavily throughout the Christian tradition, but one thing seems to be in common, and that is a certain bun. 

   This is the recipe, I follow, and apparently I am not the only one; here it is:


  • 1 tbsp psyllium husks
  • ¼ cup water
  • 1 cup almond milk 
  • 25 g. fresh yeast OR
  • 2 tbsp agave or maple syrup 
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 ½ cup spelt flour
  • ¼ cup coconut oil, softened
  • 1 ½ cup white flour (you can sub spelt)
  • Custard
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 2 tbsp starch (corn or potato)
  • ½ tsp vanilla powder or extract
  • 2 tbsp agave syrup
  • Glacé
  • 1 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 3-4 tsp boiling water
  1. Start by making the dough: place the psyllium husks in the ¼ cup cold water and leave it for 5 minutes. Dissolve the yeast in the almond milk. Mix in salt, agave/maple/ and the psyllium husks and knead in the first 1 ½ cup of the dough. Now knead in the soft coconut oil before adding the rest of the flour. Leave to rise for half an hour.
  2. While the dough rises make the custard: Mix everything in a small saucepan and stir until the starch is completely dissolved in the almond milk. Heat up while stirring constantly. When it boils whisk vigorously and boil for 5 minutes, until it thickens. Pour out on a plate and cool down in the fridge or in the freezer.
  3. Roll the dough out into a big square on a floured surface. cut 20 (4X5) squares out of it and place a dollop of custard on each square. Now fold the buns by picking up the corners of the square and pinch them together. Pinch the sides together too. Place the bun with the corners down on a baking sheet with baking paper.
  4. Leave the buns to rise for another half hour, while the oven heats to 200°C / 390°F. Bake for 15-20 minutes (until golden brown and brown on the bottom) in the middle of the oven. Leave to cool slightly before adding on glacé.
  5. Make the glacé by mixing everything together very well. Add a bit of water at a time to make sure it doesn’t get too wet. Spread out on the buns and enjoy!

Thursday, 5 January 2017




   As some you you might know, I run a personal website, registered at

The name of my website is

Through that website, I have received requests for professional assistance, via email addresses which could not easily be verified, concerning institutions, which existence and location can not be verified and with no valid social media accounts either.

Be aware, there are strong financial interests out there, of people, who question your right to take responsibility for your own health through adopting a plant-based diet and healthy life style.

Through my network, I have uncovered the sender of one of the emails, and it belongs to an IP address of a sales agent within the pharmaceutical industry, with very strong personal ties to a family and a certain segment of society, which are at the top of the "medical profession" and the biggest pharmaceutical industries on this planet.

If you receive any weird emails, phone calls or other contacts, remember it is safest to always verify the identity of the sender before answering.

Luckily I did just that, and since then, I have not received any more dubious contacts from people, who are more interested in bringing others in trouble than making sure, our human population stays strong and healthy.

Let us, together, change the world, one whole foods plant-based diet at a time.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Happy Raw Vegan THE THREE WISE MEN Celebration



   A little more than 2000 years ago a new star, Stella Nova, rose above a certain barn in Bethlehem, indicating a very important event had taken place there.

   It had been predicted in ancient scriptures long before that: when this star rises in the night sky, a king is being born.

   Emissaries from India sent Caspar; from Persia came Melchior; from Arabia came Balthazar. They represented dynasties and ruling families, and were wise men, skilled in Astronomy, employed by kings as their most trusted advisers.

   They brought gold, a present suitable for a king; frankincense, to be used when worshipping in temples; and myrrh, to be used for salvation of royals.

   Taking them, separately, on the long journeys, were camels. They each brought three camels; one to ride and two to interchange, making sure there would be no delays.

   The Stella Nova rose on the 25th of December; The Three Wise Men arrived at Bethlehem on the 6th of January, meaning they were under way for 12 days and nights, hence the concept The Twelve Holy Nights.

   It is a tradition to be remembered with having mass in churches during these nights to accompany the wise men, in the spirit, on their journey, and honouring the birth of Baby Jesus.

   No matter, what religion, you practise, or if you do not practise any at all, I suggest you and your children make it a point to celebrate The Twelve Holy Nights and The Three Wise Men in the way, I always found to be most natural:

  •    If you live near a Catholic church, attend mass in the evening
  •    Lit candles in your windows to burn during the nights
  •    Make drawings of the journey for each of the wise men
  •    Talk to the children about the places they travelled
  •    On the 6th of January, prepare a RAW VEGAN SOUP for them 
  •    Have a family celebration at home
  •    Go to church to attend mass
   And maybe The Three Wise Men have passed by your house and hidden lovely presents for you, while you were never know...


Wash, cut, blend for 1 min
Red Onion
Vegetable Fond

Pour in bowls, add
Ground Black Pepper
Red Hot Chilli

Decorate with


   Till my last breath, I shall remember the little boy with curly hair and beautiful eyes, pointing to the nativity scene, which had been staying in the city square since the 1st of December, saying: "Mum, the camels are moving...can we follow them, please..." fully convinced, his presents were on the camels and determined to pick them up at the end of the journey.

   Maybe, if you are lucky, you actually also get to see three camels with The Three Wise Men, riding in your area, heading for the church...