Thursday, 5 January 2017




   As some you you might know, I run a personal website, registered at

The name of my website is

Through that website, I have received requests for professional assistance, via email addresses which could not easily be verified, concerning institutions, which existence and location can not be verified and with no valid social media accounts either.

Be aware, there are strong financial interests out there, of people, who question your right to take responsibility for your own health through adopting a plant-based diet and healthy life style.

Through my network, I have uncovered the sender of one of the emails, and it belongs to an IP address of a sales agent within the pharmaceutical industry, with very strong personal ties to a family and a certain segment of society, which are at the top of the "medical profession" and the biggest pharmaceutical industries on this planet.

If you receive any weird emails, phone calls or other contacts, remember it is safest to always verify the identity of the sender before answering.

Luckily I did just that, and since then, I have not received any more dubious contacts from people, who are more interested in bringing others in trouble than making sure, our human population stays strong and healthy.

Let us, together, change the world, one whole foods plant-based diet at a time.

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