Monday 2 January 2017

Happy Raw Vegan THE THREE WISE MEN Celebration



   A little more than 2000 years ago a new star, Stella Nova, rose above a certain barn in Bethlehem, indicating a very important event had taken place there.

   It had been predicted in ancient scriptures long before that: when this star rises in the night sky, a king is being born.

   Emissaries from India sent Caspar; from Persia came Melchior; from Arabia came Balthazar. They represented dynasties and ruling families, and were wise men, skilled in Astronomy, employed by kings as their most trusted advisers.

   They brought gold, a present suitable for a king; frankincense, to be used when worshipping in temples; and myrrh, to be used for salvation of royals.

   Taking them, separately, on the long journeys, were camels. They each brought three camels; one to ride and two to interchange, making sure there would be no delays.

   The Stella Nova rose on the 25th of December; The Three Wise Men arrived at Bethlehem on the 6th of January, meaning they were under way for 12 days and nights, hence the concept The Twelve Holy Nights.

   It is a tradition to be remembered with having mass in churches during these nights to accompany the wise men, in the spirit, on their journey, and honouring the birth of Baby Jesus.

   No matter, what religion, you practise, or if you do not practise any at all, I suggest you and your children make it a point to celebrate The Twelve Holy Nights and The Three Wise Men in the way, I always found to be most natural:

  •    If you live near a Catholic church, attend mass in the evening
  •    Lit candles in your windows to burn during the nights
  •    Make drawings of the journey for each of the wise men
  •    Talk to the children about the places they travelled
  •    On the 6th of January, prepare a RAW VEGAN SOUP for them 
  •    Have a family celebration at home
  •    Go to church to attend mass
   And maybe The Three Wise Men have passed by your house and hidden lovely presents for you, while you were never know...


Wash, cut, blend for 1 min
Red Onion
Vegetable Fond

Pour in bowls, add
Ground Black Pepper
Red Hot Chilli

Decorate with


   Till my last breath, I shall remember the little boy with curly hair and beautiful eyes, pointing to the nativity scene, which had been staying in the city square since the 1st of December, saying: "Mum, the camels are moving...can we follow them, please..." fully convinced, his presents were on the camels and determined to pick them up at the end of the journey.

   Maybe, if you are lucky, you actually also get to see three camels with The Three Wise Men, riding in your area, heading for the church...



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