Sunday 30 April 2017

Raw Vegan Recipes


   It is the 1st of May, spring is fundamentally running towards summer, and life is absolutely great, though this year mixed with sadness, since my Father passed away...

   As any serious vegan knows, there is no such thing as a meat eating environmentalist! And there is no way to be a vegan and not love Nature!

   Being vegan can be a challenge for some in the beginning of the process, and I am here to offer some tips on making it easier, cheaper, funnier and healthier to be a vegan.

   My contribution this month is my favourite May morning green smoothie. It goes like this:

  • Get out of bed before sunrise and go for a walk to hear the birds singing
  • Pick a few top shoots of stinging nettle on your way (avoid roads and pollution; remember gloves)
  • Go home and fetch your blender
  • Add Almond/Soy drink
  • Add distilled water
  • Stinging Nettles
  • Amla Powder
  • Chia Seeds
  • Ground Flax Seeds
  • One peeled Banana
  • One whole Kiwi fruit



   And send a prayer of gratitude to Mother Earth for providing you with this highly nutritious start of just another wonderful day on Planet Earth.

   If you can not find any fresh Stinging Nettles, soak dried leaves overnight in a small amount of water; that will do just fine!

   But remember the walk; it is just the right way to start your day...

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