Monday 8 August 2016


Raw Vegan Recipes


   This ebook has been far too many decades in the making, but finally it is here.
   Regard this as my humble contribution to making this beautiful Planet Earth a much better place to live.
   We must all be the change we want to see in this world. I am a raw vegan, have lived most of my life as a fruitarian/vegetarian, with periods on/off as a vegan/raw vegan.

   This collection of RAW VEGAN RECIPES is not about my personal journey into where I am now. That might be the topic on a more diverse note as to what shaped me into this, taking into account not only what I have experienced in this life but also going back into a past, revealing itself in glimpses.

   RAW VEGAN RECIPES has three purposes: relieving the suffering of animals and fishes, preserving Planet Earth and taking care of our human health. Logistically it works the other way around: when humans turn to a RAW VEGAN DIET & LIFESTYLE, we take care of ourselves, we use less resources, thereby preserving our planet and no animals or fishes will suffer.

   So let us get started with some crucial advice. If you are on medication, pregnant, breast-feeding or heavily obese, you would probably need to find a medical adviser to help you through this transition. I recommend as a very good place to start.

   Being a certified Ayurvedic practitioner, I find some of these basic concepts crucial. Here is why. Many of you might have tried different diets without great long-term success. Instead of spending hours on YouTube, trying to figure out what would work for you, here is the secret: every single human being is unique, diverse and different in our constitution! The only safe way for you is to assess, who are you, and then take it from there.
   We are all born with a certain balance of three Doshas, Vata, Pitta, Kapha. 
   Once we know what that balance is, we also come to realise, what is off. We come to see that our human body is connected with Nature and all life around us. We realise how our diet and life style must be adjusted according to our gender, age, the seasons and the place, where we live. To create the safest road for long-term success, I encourage you to look up free resources on the internet to assess your Doshas within Ayurveda.

   RAW VEGAN RECIPES are designed around a shifting pattern of fruits and vegetables. There seems to be evidence, our digestion is most at ease, when separating those two. I have not counted calories, never did in my entire life, and do not encourage anyone to do either. When you eat according to your Doshas, maintain an active lifestyle with plenty of fresh air, and take inspiration from my RAW VEGAN RECIPES, your body will tell you, how much you need.
   Everyone will benefit from regular meals at regular times every single day, as well as regular sleeping patterns. Set up a schedule, which suits your life, and stick to it every day. Go to bed at the same time, get up at the same time, as much as you can. Your health will greatly benefit from this. Those, who truly love you, will arrange for brunch or lunch to be held instead of late dinners.

   RAW VEGAN RECIPES are basic principles translated into diet for adults. Children below the age of 18 do not have a sufficient stomach capacity, necessary for this diet. For kids I recommend adding steamed vegetables, cooked beans, lentils, sweet potatoes, pasta and other natural sources of whole foods, preferably organic.

   I do not recommend juicing, unless ill or sick, in which case it comes in handy, taken in very small sips. Drinking a lot of fruit sugars without the pulp might set the production of insulin off, plus the digestion process might deplete you of minerals and vitamins.

   Blending, on the other hand, does not do a lot of harm. You still get to keep the whole food, but eat it with a spoon to make the most of the digestion enzymes in the mouth.

   You have probably heard of the “Broccoli Miracle”, where the best component, which we do not produce alone, is not to be found in broccoli either, but is being produced, when we chew the poor thing!

   Food is meant to be chewed, so let us do that 😀

   One other thing is absolutely crucial to ensure long-term success, and that is dealing with food cravings. They fall into three categories: social, nutritional and emotional, and you need to be aware of how to train your brain to not get you in trouble.
   Social cravings have to do with memories of socially positive situations, where certain foods were shared. Separate the two, and enjoy the social environment with your RAW VEGAN FOOD.
   Nutritional cravings is the brain telling you to eat fish, because you need omega 3. Step back, realise you might be deficient there and search plant-based sources of that particular nutrient.
   Emotional cravings have to do with the reward centre of our brain. If your last boost of serotonin came from chocolate, make a blended cocoa-banana-strawberry ice cream instead of going to the store.

   The recipes will be published on the 1st every month, allowing for the diet to follow the fresh produce available throughout the year. As will become evident, my RAW VEGAN RECIPES follow the seasons on the Northern hemisphere, but can easily be adapted according to the seasons down under.

   Whatever your Doshas might be, RAW VEGAN RECIPES are beneficial for all as they are adapted to be just that, and hopefully in this way we can save many animals, fishes, Planet Earth and our human health.

   One final health issue, before we dive into it. Supplements! A heated topic, a trillion $ hardcore industry, most of which is irrelevant once you get your RAW VEGAN DIET & LIFESTYLE in place. 

   But: be sure to take B12, K2, D3, Iron and a Daily Vegan supplement according to recommendations from your national Vegan Society.


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