Tuesday 9 August 2016


August 2016

Good Morning Tea
      Make 2-3 litres of Green Tea with Mint and Ginger to drink throughout the day. Pour one cup to drink while preparing breakfast.

   Soak Chia Seeds and Ground Flax Seeds in Soy Drink for 30 minutes, while preparing the other ingredients.
   Add Oat Flakes and freshly sliced Banana, Peach, Apple, Raisins and Walnuts. Top up with Blackberries. Serve with Almond/Nut Drink.

   Lay Spinach Leaves on the plate. Add Broccoli Sprouts, with Sprouted Red Lentils, Mung Beans, Chickpeas and Red Onion.
Arrange White, Red and Savoy Cabbages thinly cut, topped with Tomatoes, Yellow and Red Peppers.
   Cut one half avocado, decorate with Slices of Lemon and sprinkles of Turmeric and Ground Black Pepper.
   Cut slices of Broccoli and arrange next to the Avocado, with a Nasturtium Flower in the middle.
   Add Black Olives on a nest of Dandelion and Nasturtium Leaves, sprinkled with Moringa.

   Freshly sliced Banana, Apple and Kiwi to be decorated with Sesame and Pumpkin Seeds, Mixed Nuts, Raisins and Goji Berries.
  Top up with Pomegranate. Serve with Almond/Nut Drink.

Evening Snack
   Two hours before you go to bed, have a snack with mainly fluids to assist the healing and restoration processes, occurring during sleep. I have chosen Watermelon with Pumpkin Seeds and Walnuts.

Good Night Tea
   Good sleep is crucial to our health. Make your bedroom a zone of peace and tranquillity. Sit in bed, slowly sipping Chamomile Tea with Basil.


It is the responsibility of everyone to make sure these recipes meet the individual requirements for health and safety. Please refer to my Introduction in this blog. 


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