Wednesday 2 November 2016




   We are now in the season, here in the Northern Hemisphere, where autumn gradually transforms into winter. The leaves on the trees turn yellow, orange, red...and then drop onto the ground for playful beings, yours truly included, to play and walk in the leaves, when going for a stroll in the cool and fresh air.

   It is also the season for a status on your diet: are you prepared for the many dark months ahead?

The theme for November is


   A lot of nutrients are released, some even just being created, when we chew our food. As we must prepare ourselves for the colder season, it is of paramount importance to get the most benefit from our diet, not to forget B12, Iron, K2, D3 and a Vegan Daily supplement as recommended by "The Vegan Society".

   I have packed, for adults, a DAILY BOX to take to work, study or just to have with you in your rucksack as you go about your day.

 Lunch: Vegetables & Sprouts
Dessert: Nuts & Seeds
Afternoon Snack: Fruits

   It will last you from breakfast right until your evening soup, which recipe will follow in December 2016.

   As you can see from the picture, none of the items have been cut, divided or in any way sliced. This is RAW VEGAN RECIPES: rinse and clean your produce, pack it and eat it...

... with your fingers (always wash your hands before and after eating) 

   It is not part of a natural diet to stick some metal cutlery into your mouth to have the saliva dissolve some of it, possibly leading to metal poisoning...

   There is some discussion on the price of a RAW VEGAN DIET, with some suggesting, it is more of a lavish life style, requiring a financial surplus, which is not for everybody. Actually, this is wrong. In order to counteract that argument, I hereby post the price for the items, and where to buy them.

  • 2 Tomatoes                                                                               
  • Spinach Leaves                                                                    
  • 1/2 Cucumber                                                                         
  • 4 Carrots                                                                                  
  • 5 Sticks of Celery                                                                    
  • Black Olives                                                                             
  • 2 Leaves Red Cabbage                                                     
  • 3 Bell Peppers                                                                        
  • 1/2 Squash                                                                                
  • Broccoli Sprouts (home grown)                                                            

  • "fruit & nut mix" 200 gr.                                                               

Afternoon Snack:
  • 1 Pear                                                                                          
  •   3 Mandarins                                                                             
  • 1 Apple                                                                                         

Total cost for LUNCH, DESSERT  AFTERNOON SNACK        2.39 GBP

Produce bought in Aldi and Lidl, box from Poundland.